Chapter 9

Psycho Studios: The Sprinkler

Chapter Nine


Editor – Mr. Z / Content / Technical

Research & Editor – Mr. W / Content


Psycho Studios is an independent Film/TV production company. A multimedia platform with a

podcast as well as this newsletter. Feel free to reach out to Psycho Studios through their


Psycho Studios – Film/TV Production – Phoenix Arizona

Psycho Studios Podcast [Access on Spotify, iHeart Radio, Google Podcasts and Amazon

Music/Audible plus our website]

Psycho Studios: The Sprinkler [Newsletter]

Phoenix Arizona

Email –

Website – www.psycho– [Access to our audio only YouTube channel available here.]

Instagram – psychostudios66

X [Formerly known as Twitter] - @Psychostud666

Facebook – psychostudios [page name]



Mr. Z & Mr. W are a father & son duo that started a production company about two years ago.

They are working on the next phase of their production company and look forward to being

involved in feature film making. They rolled out a podcast and newsletter to give their audience a

means to hear where they are headed and what they are experiencing. The newsletter [The

Sprinkler] is fun, informative and value add! They remind their audience that they leave politics

at the door. They want their energy to be positive and wellness based. Share gratitude and be

cool to one another!

We hope you will join us monthly as we explore different ways to enrich our lives and have some

fun exploring the human race.

We bring old school and contemporary to the table. We will bring practical value add life skills to

our newsletter to make it worth everyone’s while!

Mr. Z & I are authentic & lucid and we operate with the credo; be cool to one another.

We want to connect with people, and be present while we enjoy this journey. We have embarked

on something that is moving in a direction that affords us to display our creativity and love for

film & music in our podcast.


We have a contrasting way in which we were brought into this world and our perspectives meld

in a way that is entertaining, rewarding and beneficial to those that trust sage advice.

Come with us as we explore ways to live in the moment and appreciate all we have, rather than

what we have not.

Welcome psychos one and all!

The Sprinkler

Film – Music - Wellness – Practical Life Skills – Commentary – Plus Some Sports and other



Update for our production company Psycho Studios:

We are communicating with studios and streaming services regarding our completed script and

multiple treatment outlines. We have returned to writing, and are completing additional

treatment outlines. In short order we will be moving into writing another feature length script.

We will be shooting a teaser trailer for our script on location. Mr. Z is ready to unveil another

amazing art piece that captures an iconic horror film! It is going to be an amazing and interesting


Did someone say amazing?

Spiderman [2002]


Mr Z. and I went to see Spiderman [2002] on a Monday night in April. The weather was sweet.

The drive was cool. We were going to see one of our favorite so-called super hero movies. We are

not big on that genre, and as of late any film buff knows what’s up with those universes. The film

was nostalgic as Mr. Z and I saw this amazing film together when it was first released in 2002!


The film itself is a 9 for me and a 10 for Mr Z. That is really saying something! As great as the

film is, it was equally great for me to spend the evening with my son. The little things in life

resonate with me so strongly. The drive in a Mustang GT was very cool and heading into the

cinema to see a movie that is re-released for so many endearing fans; was spectacular! Sitting in

the movie space with the film up on the big screen reaffirmed the picture’s awesomeness! It was

truly special to enjoy a unique evening with someone I am so very proud of, my son. For those

who have not seen this Spiderman, get off your ass and see it! For those that may have seen it

back in the day, watch it with someone special. Film, art, and creativity can bring people together.

Escape for a short time, no devices, just a movie and a smile. Like pizza, or wedding bands; it’s a

movie, even bad movies are good!

Review Winnie the Pooh Blood and Honey II:

Mr. Z, his girlfriend and myself went to see Blood and Honey II at the very end of March. We

were curious what the producers would bring after the very successful Blood and Honey.

Mr. Z’s Score – 1

Mr. W’s Score – 2

The production values were much improved from the first film, and given the success at the box

office it makes sense they are making more of these films. The story and dialogue left a lot to be

desired. In addition, the acting lacks polish. The concept and camerawork were decent. We love

horror movies and do our best to extract that element when reviewing a feature. We loved going

to see it together and experiencing the movie good or bad.

Mr. Z and I have consumed an enormous amount of horror. Low budget, medium budget, huge

budget and even no budget to speak of. It’s about the story, dialogue as well as continuity. We love

to see good acting in a low budget horror. Winnie II was more like the 1980’s horror flicks like

Stage Fright or Deadly Manor. The concept is there, the execution is lacking for our tastes.

Reminding our audience that we can’t be right or wrong about film, music, books and art. It is

what moves us!

We will review the movie Intruder from 1989 in next month’s Sprinkler. This splatter fest stars

Bruce Campbell and Sam Raimi! We can’t wait to see it!


Review – Immaculate – 2024 R-rated runtime of 89 minutes.


There has been a lot of buzz regarding the star of this film Sydney Sweeney. The issue is that the

buzz is based on a long-time producer [Carol Baum] ripping Sydney for her boobs and the way

she looks in general. Carol also said Ms. Sweeney can’t act. It’s a free country, but what the hell is

that about? So odd when someone comes out and complains about the way someone looks or

their acting in such a harsh fashion. Shout out to Ms. Sweeney!

Alright, let’s get down to the movie. I am always looking for new horror. Mr. Z does a great job

with that as well. We love sitting down and checking out either a newly released horror flick or

finding a film we haven’t seen [not many of those] from the way back machine like; Intruder.

I am always open to new films, and do my best to absorb the entirety of the film before reviewing

it. This movie is confusing. It is all over the place. With the title, we should know it is religious

based with its theme. Sydney Sweeney as a nun reminds me of the character Megan Fox plays in

How to Lose Friends and Alienate People. Fox’s character plays Mother Theresa in a farcical take

on Mother Theresa. Check that feature out as Simon Pegg rocks in the main role and Jeff Bridges

steals each scene he is in. Kirsten Dunst is excellent in the flock too! Back to Immaculate. I

wanted to like it. Sadly, its pacing and story are scattered and the movie really doesn’t go any

further than you would expect based on the premise of an immaculate conception. The score for

this one comes in at a 2. I’m hopeful Sydney can find her hidden gem of a film. We know it takes

more than just acting for a film to be good; directing, story and dialogue are keys too!

Film – Watch This!

Suggestion – Brian De Palma’s Films:

One of my favorite directors and writers is Brian DePalma. When you review the films this

director, writer has made it is hard to believe he has never been nominated for an Oscar!


Here are my top ten DePalma features I strongly suggest you check out, and if you’ve seen them a

rewatch is a must with his films! Many have lauded Brian’s style in many of his features to be

derivative of Hitchcock. Hell, most films are paying some sort of tribute to another knowingly or

not. Grab your favorite cold beverage and a snack and check these out!

1 – Obsession 1976 [Cliff Robertson stars]

2 – The Fury 1978 [Kirk Douglas is awesome in this one]

3 – Home Movies 1979

4 – Dressed to Kill 1980 [Angie Dickenson as the Janet Leigh character]

5 - Blow Out 1981 [In my humble opinion, one of John Travolta’s best roles]

6 – Scarface 1983 [Remake – one of Al Pacino’s greatest roles!]

7 – Body Double 1984 [This is one of those under the radar films – check out Melanie Griffith]

8 – The Untouchables 1987 [Kevin Costner is awesome as Elliot Ness]

9 – Raising Cain 1992 [John Lithgow playing a dual role!]

10 – Snake Eyes 1998 [Cage in a trippy flick said to be shot in real time]

Tidbit and link. For the movie Obsession starring Cliff Robertson; Robertson was a big time start

for a while and he plays Uncle Ben in the 2002 Spiderman!


Mr. Z and I will be reviewing Late Night with the Devil in next month’s Sprinkler, we are very

excited about that one! Johnny Carson RIP!


What is this wild rendering? The totally trippy and creative drawing is brought to us by one

James Cameron. Per Mr. Z, Cameron had a nightmare while staying in a hotel and woke up and

sketched this image. This is ultimately what became the metal shape in Terminator 2!




Ratt – Out of the Cellar

We are doing a deep dive within our new format podcast. This month we pair the classic John

Carpenter film The Thing with Ratt’s Out of the Cellar album. Check out the podcast, linked

through our website. It drops May 1 st .

Here is a different take on a Ratt playlist. Have Spotify? Click the link:



Pearl Jam dropped a new album on 4.19. The album Dark Matters contains 11 tracks and clocks

in at 48 minutes.

My favorite tracks are:

Scared of Fear [love the title, what it means and it has an old PJ vibe]

Dark Matter [this is a lively tune and Eddie’s vocals complement the tight instrumentation]

Running [this is a rock n roll song that takes me back to the mid-nineties when grunge was king]

I seem to always want to share this quirky piece of Pearl Jam trivia whenever I’m speaking to this

iconic Seattle sound group. For those in the know, my apologies. Where did Pearl Jam come up

with their unique name? There are many different answers to this one. I will stick with the

version that was told to me during a Nirvana concert: Eddie’s grandmother’s name was Pearl,

and the story goes she would make a hallucinogenic jam that was the bomb! Hence, Pearl Jam!

Check out this Pearl Jam playlist on Spotify:

Music, it does the body and mind good!

- It’s good for the heart. Research has shown that blood flows more easily when music is played. It can

also reduce heart rate, lower blood pressure, decrease cortisol (stress hormone) levels and increase

serotonin and endorphin levels in the blood.

- It brings positivity to one’s mood. Music can boost the brain’s production of the hormone dopamine.

This increased dopamine production helps relieve feelings of anxiety and depression. Music is

processed directly by the amygdala, which is the part of the brain involved in mood and emotions.

- Stress reducer. Research has found that listening to music can relieve stress by triggering biochemical

stress reducers.

- It can relieve depression. When you’re feeling down in the dumps, music can help pick you up - much

like exercise.

- It’s a memory trigger. There is no cure for Alzheimer’s disease or dementia but music therapy has been

shown to relieve some of its symptoms. Music therapy can relax an agitated patient, improve the mood

and open communication in patients.

- It can alleviate pain. By reducing stress levels and providing a strong competing stimulus to the pain

signals that enter the brain, music therapy can assist in pain management.

- It can help us eat less. Playing soft music in the background (and dimming the lights) during a meal can

help people slow down while eating and ultimately consume less food in one sitting.

- It can enhance workouts and exercise. Listening to those top workout tracks can boost physical

performance and increase endurance during a tough exercise session.


Summer is here or almost here depending on what neck of the woods you are in.

Here are some of our favorite summertime groups:

- Van Halen

- Ratt


- Mudvayne

- Korn


- AC/DC [Bon Scott]

- Linkin Park

- Foo Fighters

- Queens of the Stone Age

- Mac Miller

- Led Zeppelin

Get out there and enjoy the weather, drive safely and crank those tunes!


Mr. Z and I came across a couple of ladybugs in the month of April. We live in close proximity to

one another, yet the make-up of the insects and other pests are very different. In Wisconsin

ladybugs were everywhere. In the desert it is much more infrequent we come across these dainty

and beautiful bugs. Many believe [including myself] that if you see a ladybug and make a wish

you will have a great six months! Interestingly enough both of our ladybugs were a different

color. One coming in as bright yellow and the other a more traditional bright red. How does this

relate to wellness? It’s about getting outside and doing things. In this case Mr. Z and I were both

involved in chores, but we took the time to notice and appreciate the little things. We also shared

the findings with one another. It’s simple things like that which can spark conversations that are

about positive elements in our world. Sharing those findings with family and friends completes

the circle of caring and sharing. Get outside, appreciate your surroundings, grab some fresh air

and Vitamin D and share your experiences with those in your life. Big or small, it is thoughtful

and caring shares that boost our well-being and positivity! In the immortal words of the gas

station manager in Maximum Overdrive I don’t give a ladybug! Funny thing is, we do!


According to experts’ wellness is comprised of eight co-dependence elements. Here are five that

we will explore in detail as we move through this summer:







The claim is that if any of these elements are neglected over time, it will adversely affect one’s

health and well-being.

Let’s do our best to not sweat the small stuff. Let’s be cool to another! Do unto others as we

would want to be done to us!


Practical Life Skills

Reading and researching life skills, practical and otherwise many experts tout either seven

essential life skills, with many speaking to 10 critical life skills. There is overlap amongst the

listings. Here are the 10 we have been focusing on and will continue to focus on as we move

through this summer.

Problem Solving

Critical Thinking

Communication Skills


Creative Thinking

Interpersonal Relationship Skills


Building Skills


Coping with Stress

All 10 of these skills could fall into the wellness and well-being categories. Creative thinking, self-

awareness, empathy and coping with stress clearly lead the pack when it comes to our well-being.

Problem solving is very important and leads the way for many reasons. Utilizing tools such as to

do lists, internet research, and reaching out to those you know that possess expertise in areas you

are working on are key. Taking your time when deciding on a resolution with the age-old adage of

sleep on it coming into play. We want to try our best to refrain from finalizing a solution to a

problem based on emotion.

Critical thinking is problem solving’s sibling. Breaking things down and seeing the big picture are

very important. Think of the impact that something you do has on people, places and things. We

suggest one be mindful of utilizing just one form of feedback when critically thinking. Online

reviews for example can be helpful but should be just part of the elements used to determine next


Communication skills are fundamentality important in all facets of our day to day. Speaking and

listening need equal measures when we talk to someone. Be mindful of the other person’s

circumstance. Treat everyone as you would want to be treated and talked to. Conversations and

sharing of gratitude, not arguments are sound communication tools to employ consistently.

Decision making parallels the first two on this list and it comes down to using positive and

truthful sources. I firmly believe based on life experience and reading so many pundits, removing

emotion from the equation is vitally important in making sound and positive decisions. The first

four elements listed here are far more effective when we are removing feelings from the review


and research. I have practiced the 24-hour rule for decades and it has been very beneficial. I’m

far from perfect, but when we feel the hairs on the back of our necks stand up and we feel our

faces flush, it’s a great time to take a deep breath and revisit the issue later in the day or the next

day entirely.

Creative thinking. This one like the others has so many layers to it. The soundbite for this one is

utilizing creativity not only helps with the so-called out of the box thinking but using creativity is

a positive element for one’s well-being. Utilize your creative side, and if you don’t think you have

one, find it. We all have some level of creativity lurking beneath the surface.

Interpersonal relationship skills. This one is a douse! I am not close to an expert with this one.

Like all of these elements taking an online course, a community college course or grabbing a

book on the subject are ways to improve in all of them. Relationship skills at their core revolve

around honesty, caring, sharing and follow up. Being kind to one another, thoughtful and the like

are tenets that we should all adhere to.

Self-awareness. Wow! That one is key for so many reasons. Taking one little element out of this

vast category, I feel processing how our actions impact others is number one. This coincides with

critical thinking. Let’s take driving; when we use our turn signals, follow the rules of the road and

drive a safe vehicle this shows the other drivers we care about their safety too. Being self-aware of

our driving actions has a domino effect on many.

Building skills as mentioned is important for our growth. The technology age we live in, offers us

so many avenues to learn. Thinking about learning something is the first step, take the action to

research and learn!

Empathy is a high-level emotion and I will defer to the experts on this one. Displaying empathy

can be extremely rewarding to those in your life as well as yourself. Be mindful of not confusing

this area with sympathy.

Lastly, coping with stress rounds out our top 10. This one is mucho importante! It impacts our

well-being, both mentally and physically. Being kind to ourselves goes a long way in affording us

a strong base for dealing with stress. Seek a professional depending on your life circumstance and

stress level. Rely on friends, family and significant others to share what you are feeling and

thinking. Journal! We all experience stress on many levels. Realizing when we are stressed and

what triggers us to be stressed are excellent places to start. Remember, things will be ok, there is a

better tomorrow.

Please Take Care

We want all our psychos to be healthy and happy! Take care of yourselves! Watching what we eat,

drink and how much sleep we get are core basics. Exercise and getting outdoors are awesome

elixirs! Lastly, focusing on today and living in the moment are most likely even more important in

today’s world. Being grateful for what we have and not what we want is a key element for taking

care of our well-being.

Health Tip

This life skill is about keeping your eyes open for health tips and tricks. We strongly suggest

staying away from the constant barrage of negative news, but medical updates and the like can

improve our day to day.


[This does not include watching those horribly anxious and gross commercials that speak to a

wunderkind drug that can cure the worse diseases. Those typically come with side effect warnings

that read like a who’s who of negative bodily functions!]

Bladder infections, or more commonly known as UTIs impact millions in the United States. The

majority of those who suffer from UTIs are women. This somewhat innocuous sounding ailment

can lead to serious complications including a dementia like condition called delirium as well as

posing a risk for sepsis. Britain is testing a treatment for UTIs that would include a vaccine that

can prevent these nasty things for up to nine years! Here’s hoping this trial works across the pond

and the U.S. can get onboard with it!

Some Sports and other Random Headlines



The NFL Draft stole the headlines as April came to a close. What’s new?

Green Bay Packers Draft:

What positions did they pick?

Packers had 13 picks. They traded two picks to move up in the draft for 11 total picks.

Draft picks:

1) Offensive Line

2) Linebacker

3) Safety

4) Running Back

5) Linebacker

6) Safety

7) Offensive Line

8) Safety

9) Offensive Line

10) Quarterback

11) Cornerback

This from a long time Packer’s fan – Devin:

I think the draft was great for addressing the Packer’s needs as the team is getting a bunch of

dawgs who are ready to play and excited to be a Packer. I think a lot of that has to do with Jordan

Love and how he carries himself and how good of a leader he is. It’s important the team comes

together and plays for each other. Being drafted into a situation like that is really great for the

players. Reminding the fans that no off-season drama is a godsend. Javon Bullard from Georgia;

I think this a great pick as he is excited to be a Packer and is a compact home-run hitter from his

position! Carry the G!

Random – The Packers will play the Eagle for their first game of the NFL regular season. A few

first involved with this special out of country matchup: It will be played in Brazil. It will be played


on a Friday night. And it will be available only on Peacock which is a paid subscription service!

The NFL continues to gain momentum outside the U.S.


The NBA playoffs are well underway as the first-round match ups are playing out nightly. The

Milwaukee Bucks season appears to be ending prematurely. The Bucks are down in the series 3

games to 2 games. The Bucks lost a gut-wrenching overtime game to their rival the Indiana

Pacers in Indy on the last Friday of April. Injuries are a part of every sport. The Bucks injuries

have become laughable, only because otherwise Buck’s fans would be crying. Their so-called

Greek Freak and one of the top five players in the NBA was injured at regular season’s end and

has yet to lace them up in the playoffs. Damien Lillard, so called top 75 NBA player of all time

was injured for the pivotal game four. To add insult to injury, the Buck’s third best player Khris

Middleton has been banged up but played. If things couldn’t have been worse for the Bucks in

game four, sixth man of the year nominee Bobby Portis through an open-handed punch in the

first five minutes of the crucial game was ejected. The Bucks did not have enough stags on the

court and lost, going down 3-1. Game five in Milwaukee on the last day of April saw the Bucks

win on their home court with the return of Dame Lillard. The series shifts back to Indianapolis

on May second. This season appears to be another wasted year. No one is fearing the deer!

Venison sausage anyone?

Amazon is nearing a deal to acquire NBA broadcast rights – more details to follow. Wow!


And in Major League Baseball news, the season threw out the first pitch around the beginning of

April and the Milwaukee Brewers are off to a great start. It’s hard to believe that they are 28

games into a 162-game season. The Brewers are sitting at 18-10 and with a new manager and an

injured superstar in Yelich, they are holding their own.


In National Hockey News; The Arizona Coyotes are relocating to Salt Lake City. Those of us

who reside in the desert found it odd there was a hockey team in the desert to being with. There

have been numerous ongoing issues with the NHL franchise including where to play, what city to

be located in and the lack of a consistent fan base. To those loyal Coyote fans we say, what the



The Summer Olympics in Paris, wanted us to remind you there are less than 100 days to the

summer events. The water sports might be negatively impacted by high levels of pollution and

fecal matter [gross!] in the Seine River!

Game on! Shout out to Wayne and Garth!

Other Random Headlines:

- Germany’s Autobahn – is it time for a speed limit? Roughly 30% of the famous motorway

has a speed limit. The German government recommends a speed limit of roughly 81mph


on the other stretches. Enforcing a specific lower speed limit can reduce the

environmental impact of the no speed limit rule and improve safety.

- In other auto news, Mr. Z shared a 1980s commercial for Datsun pick up trucks. Datsun

some may say, what’s that? Datsun is the name Nissan Motor Company used for its

imported to the U.S. vehicles until 1986 when it officially reverted to Nissan for all its

imports. The Datsun mini pick-ups were cool looking and economical. Simpler Times. A

1985 Datsun extra cab 4x4 came in under $10K!

- Lawmakers continue to urge DEA to stop bumming everyone’s high. The lawmakers

want the government to remove marijuana from the feds list of restricted drugs as it is

currently in the same category as heroin. This impedes medical testing on the THC based

plant and hampers banking with businesses that sell Mother Nature in states where it is


- And in more wacky tobacky news, a scientist says he has evidence we live in a simulation.

Hey Cheech, put down that pipe! What, are you high?

- Breeding cows that fart less could help curb global warming. The fact this is an actual

news headline says it all! Maybe we can get the cows to say excuse after they rip one?

- Earth Day 2024 was celebrated by many in April. So-called experts regarding climate

change are spreading positivity rather than negativity. A few of the reasons they are

speaking positively to include; clean energy is the cheapest energy; Global CO2 emissions

could peak next year and there’s hope on the horizon because of the progress humanity

has made. Staying positive about things is critical in all aspects of life!

- Quentin Tarantino is no longer making The Movie Critic as his tenth and final film. The

film was to be based on the character Brad Pitt played [Stuntman Cliff Booth] in Once

Upon a Time in Hollywood. Pitt was slated to star.

- Got green eyes? [I do!] A semi-famous doctor says if you have green eyes, you actually

have three eye colors that blend together. Yellow, brown and blue come together to form

the magnetic green eye color!

- Let’s end the headlines with this gem: Why is it important not to pick your boogers?

Doctors tell us we want to avoid picking our noses. [I thought our moms told us that too!]

Picking your nose can damage the delicate tissue that lines the nasal passages. Nosebleeds

can result. Additionally, inserting one’s finger up one’s nose can introduce bacteria or

viruses increasing the risk of infection. Listen to your mother! Don’t pick your nose!



Let’s take a walk back to simpler times. Less cluttered times. Less technology laden times.

Simpler times indeed: The photos below are of the Princess Theatre in Milwaukee Wisconsin.

Details - The Princess Theatre was built in 1909. The venue started out as a classy silent movie

theatre in downtown Milwaukee and eventually showed talking pictures. The first photo was

from the theatre’s heyday. The second photo was taken in 1984 when the building was

demolished; it did not fit the revitalized downtown corridor. This movie palace became infamous

for showing X-rated films in the 1970s and early 1980s. It turns out that out of state

pornographic film distributors would lease the theatre in order to show their adult flicks. Can we

say MaXXXine?


The commentary regarding this is not to promote adult films, or to impede progress. Those

avenues lead to politics and we refrain from entering that lion’s den. It’s about simpler times. It

was about enjoying the moment. Enjoying just hanging out. It was about not having to buy

things, or have the so-called fear of missing out. We weren’t bored, it was simply more about

people. It was about relationships. It was about listening to music on albums. It was about

dropping that needle gently and hearing the scratches and other nuances on that Led Zeppelin

album you just picked up from 1812 Overture. [A Milwaukee area record shop back in the day]

It was about picking up the phone and calling your friends, a potential girlfriend, maybe having

that difficult conversation with a family member. It was about not having a lot or a lot of money,

in turn everything was so much cheaper. It was about the little things. I appreciate technology, the

good parts of it. Like this newsletter, or our podcast or the work we are doing with writing and

producing films. I simply long for those simpler times, given where things are right now.

As Mr. Z and I say frequently, be cool to one another. Show gratitude. Don’t hesitate to tell

someone how you feel about them. Most importantly, be good to yourself. Deep breaths. WE got


Life moves forward, and regardless of its 1970s and early 1980s seedy showings, it’s a shame the

beautifully historic building [Princess Theatre] could not be saved and repurposed.


Princess Theatre, 1960s and 1980s.


Interesting Individual of the Month [IIM]:

This month we celebrate Jim Morrison. Singer, songwriter and poet. I decided to have this

month’s interesting individual be one of non-fiction. I harken back to Quentin Tarantino’s movie

“Once Upon a Time in Hollywood. Margo Robbie’s character [Sharon Tate] and Emile Hirsch

[Jay Sebring] are hanging out on 10050 Cielo Drive when we hear Paul Revere and the Raiders

music playing on a sweet old turntable. Sharon is barking at Jay:

Aww, what’s the matter? You afraid I’ll tell Jim Morrison you were dancing to Paul Revere and

the Raiders? Are they not cool enough for you?

I reflect on Jim Morrison and The Doors and how much their, his music has meant to me. When

I was coming up, the Milwaukee radio stations overplayed a small rotation of the same songs over,

and over again. The groups they hit us over the head with were; The Beatles. Pink Floyd. The

Who. The Stones. And The Doors. This drove me away from the so-called classic rock. We fast

forward to my 30s and having a son. I revisited classic rock. Napster was a thing and I was able to

revisit classic rock and turn my saturated opinion into appreciation. [Shout out to Sean Parker!].

Its hard to believe Morrison was only on this planet for 27 years.

Due to his endless energy, poetic lyrics, distinctive voice, erratic and unpredictable performances,

along with the dramatic circumstances surrounding his life and early death, Jim Morrison is

regarded by music critics and fans as one of the most influential front men to ever front a rock


The single “Light my Fire” took the group from obscurity to fame! The Doors catalog consists of

six great albums. And then it was over. Morrison often broke into poetry readings during live

performances. Jim fancied himself a poet first and foremost. [Two more Doors albums were

released post his death, they don’t count!]

Morrison became dependent on alcohol which impacted The Doors live performances, his

relationship with this band mates and ultimately contributed to his demise.

Morrison died unexpectedly in Paris. Oddly, no autopsy was performed and the true cause of his

death is unknown. He had left the group, and split from the states with his girlfriend, to France.

Jim’s storied but short career lives on. The Door’s music is listened to by thousands of veteran

fans as well as those new to The Doors scene. It is interesting that so many amazing music artists

flame out well before they hit 30! I can hear Jim singing This is the End, and it is bittersweet.

To quote Jim: This is the strangest life I have ever known!



Thank you for taking the time to read Chapter Nine of Psycho Studios; The Sprinkler. We always

look forward to sharing our thoughts, ideas and more!

Be safe and stay psycho!

We would love to hear from our audience. Comments, feedback & suggestions are welcome!

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Find our podcasts, newsletters and more on our website! We make announcements on Instagram,

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Mr. W ~ Mr. Z

Psycho Studios ~5.1.2024


Chapter 8